In 1963 my cousin Manny Abreu was the fire chief.
He had 2 children Patricia and Joey.
His father Frank Abreu lived next door to him. I'm trying to track down family history of my father Joseph Abreu. He lived with Frank in the 1930s.
Signed on February 05, 2025 at 6:07 PM
Harry john Abreu
South Carolina
In 1963 my cousin Manny Abreu was the fire chief.
He had 2 children Patricia and Joey.
His father Frank Abreu lived next door to him. I'm trying to track down family history of my father Joseph Abreu. He lived with Frank in the 1930s.
Signed on June 07, 2024 at 11:59 AM
Martin T Markoe
2727 Evergreen St.
Do not see link on web site to make annual donation? Please send link.
Signed on December 31, 2023 at 6:02 PM
Keith Anderson
Yorktown Heights
Please create a donation link.
Signed on November 14, 2023 at 11:45 AM
would love it if could do donations through your website!
continue the good work and thank you for your service
I hope and pray you are all holding up with all of this Coronavirus mess. Thank you for all that you do for us! While most of us are at home on quarantine you are out there working double time.
I'm originally from Binghampton, but have begun volunteering with my local fire department in Montana. I have enjoyed reading about the history of your department, and how far it has come.
Signed on September 24, 2019 at 6:57 PM
Mark Anastos (Member Mid-70's)
Driver and hands on
Northeast PA
I was a member back in the mid-70's. I graduated to driver until I excused myself from the department as I had other avenues to explore in life. I think I was an active member for about 4 years. A member John Gallick sponsored me at the time and his son Mike was also a member when I was; we were like brothers.
Hanging out at the firehouse was great! Good old Walter Androsko (spelling) and his brother Michael. I still to this day don't know how Walter could fall asleep in the chair and snore with the huge wad of chew in his mouth and not swallow it! Hee Hee Hee.
I remember Charlie Moseman. I think he was cheif at the time. But for sure Ray Nicakshere (spelling). When he was chief he would treat us to pizza and we would have contests to see who could eat the hot pizza right out of the oven. That was great.
I also remember Ray Bergan who I think was an officer at the time. Plus all the old timers who used to hang out at the bar in the basement.
Charlie Boatcher (spelling) was also chief at one time I believe back then.
I used to spend just about every minute of every day at the fire house waiting for a call. I loved working the carnival in the back each year.
Hope you guys are doing well. I am retired now at the age of 63 and living in upstate PA. Had a great life and more to continue from here.
The very best to all of you!!
Mark Anastos
Signed on July 09, 2017 at 7:18 AM
kevin hancock
Firefighter ..u.k.
Milton keynes England
Great site always interested in the u.s Fire departments.and this site is no exception .Great photos ..
Enjoy looking at your site and very much like the safety tips. Do you visit any schools on a regular basis to teach fire safety? At NY-SAFE we are always interested in seeing different ways fire safety is taught to various age groups.
Awesome website and Facebook page. I had no clue how busy you guys really are, gives me a new appreciation for the Northern Westchester Volunteer Departments. Keep up the good work
Hey all!! Can't believe it has been almost 40 years since I was a member there. Loved the time spent with everyone there at the time. I remember a bunch of you guys, don't know how many are still around. Good old Walt Androsko; could not understand how he could fall asleep in the chair snooring away with a big hunk of "chew" in his mouth Hee Hee Hee.
I wish all of you good luck. Over the years I worked in the family business, then an I.T. Analyst and now self-employed electrician ready to retire up in the Poconos in a few years.
Keep up the great work ....
Signed on August 08, 2013 at 10:08 AM
leonard ( Lenny) Mendel
Former Yorktwhn Hts fireman & Scuba diver Eng co 1
Now at Glen Mills,PA after 37 years in Hot Springs,AR
Nice to get on the web site and see some familiar names guys I worked with years ago. miss the parades, soft ball games and carnival, and the great diner, steamers Steak, corn for carnival workers.
Lived on Virginia Lane, then became Ramona Court. Keep up the good work.
also retired from 70 west Vol fire dept. Pearcy,Ar and NYPD Emergency Ser.sqd
Nice looking website. Lots of good info & pictures. Thank You for your service. Keep up the good work.
Signed on June 23, 2013 at 12:54 PM
Hello, I wanted to thank all the men and women fire fighters for all you do, you are awesome,I wouldn't want to do your job,I'm glad you are there to do it.Thank you
Signed on May 08, 2013 at 9:35 PM
Liz Goldhorn
Holmes, NY
What a beautiful tribute to Fred "Duke" Ducady. He was a wonderful man and the Yorktown Heights Engine Company #1 was his life. Duke was proud to be a 70 year lifetime member and he will truly be missed. We all can learn a lot from his dedication and service.
Signed on April 05, 2013 at 8:20 PM
Mike McKeon
Woodstock, Georgia
Searching for Charlie Moseman. We worked at AT&T in Mt. Kisco and White Plains. I had forgotten that he was a firefighter in Yorktown Heights.
My search led to your website and lo and behold - there is retired fire chief Charles Moseman. It would be great if I could get in touch again.
Signed on February 27, 2013 at 2:47 PM
Gary Frechette
Ex-President YHFD
Flagler Beach FL
Just saw the congrats for Al Cafaro, remember when we came in, back in the 60's, a big congrats to Al